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The European Champions received the Fan Id Card

In a sacred place, a place full of memories and glory moments of Olympiacos and joy for its fans, the Champions of Europe received their Olympiacos Fan Id Card.

In a sacred place, a place full of memories and glory moments of Olympiacos and joy for its fans, the Champions of Europe received their Olympiacos Fan Id Card.

The reds walked the Peace and Friendship Stadium up to the Karaiskakis stadium to find themselves at the Club’s Museum where they were given a tour by Mrs. Katerina Tsaligopoulou…

The older and the younger listened to a summary of the huge golden volume of the club’s history and when they entered the basketball section received their cards from the representative of the Amateur Club Mr. Lefteris Chrysofakis…

Giorgos Bartzokas considers the fan Id card as great honor… “We did this with joy, we think it’s a great honor to be members of something like this. The most important for people that live abroad and are not really familiar with the history of the team is to come here and connect with the past that is huge for Olympiacos and I hope the same goes for its future. For us that live here and walk these places, we had an idea of how things are. I think it’s important to be receiving this member ID, it’s a symbolic gesture of support to the Amateur club that practically is the foundation of Olympiacos as there are amateur departments that manage to win championships. I would undoubtedly suggest that the fans become members, since the price, even for today’s very difficult times, is not that significant, but if we take into account the dynamics of the Olympiacos fans, this is going to be of extreme importance for the support of these departments”.    

Vassilis Spanoulis said that Olympiacos is one and only… “We all have the obligation to support the Amateur Club the best we can. Everything starts there. Olympiacos is not only about football and basketball, but also about all the rest of the sports. Olympiacos is one; we don’t support only one sport. Everyone, we and the fans have to support this huge effort the Amateur Club is making”.  

Milan Tomic took his turn to talk about the value of the support to the Amateur Olympiacos… “All teams begin from the amateur categories. We all have to help and give the best we can for this effort. Now, in regard to the museum, it’s something sacred, the memories are too many. So many things come to mind. The first European title that we had been waiting for years. We had made a huge effort in 1997 as well, the best thing is that this effort goes on and we succeeded in bringing two more European titles to Greece and we’ll try for the fourth”.

The Champions of Europe left the Museum promising they will continue writing the golden pages of the Olympiacos history.

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