Social Responsibility Program
Olympiacos BC was a pioneer of Greek Sports in the 2007-08 season, being the first sports corporation to implement a thorough Program of Corporate Social Responsibility.
From that point on, Olympiacos has not simply adhered to the program, but rather developed it, evolved it and adjusted it to the specific needs of the times, mainly focusing on issues pertaining health, civics, sports, education, culture and the environment.
At the same time, Olympiacos BC has been running various other programs, that are interconnected and re-enforcing of one another. More specifically, the member of the Volunteering program offer important services during games (hosting schools and foundations, people with disabilities and such). Also, Olympiacos BC, through the Euroleague “ONE TEAM” initiative, supports sports for Vulnerable Groups, targeting to instill core values in our athletes. During games, a recycling program is being implemented at the SEF, so as the use of plastics is limited, while at the same time, more environmentally friendly products are promoted.
All the more, Olympiacos BC has taken initiative during the Pandemic era to help battling it! The ‘reds’ have devised and implemented a unique Social-Sporting schedule of official games, the “bwin Monday Night Game Against Covid-19”, that is aimed at
• Battling the pandemic
• Targeting the fans attention to it and promoting scientific messaging
• Securely entertaining fans
• Supporting government efforts
• Acknowledging social groups and professionals that contribute to managing the pandemic
• Covering for current needs of the National Health System and other organizations that contribute to managing the pandemic and relative issues
The Corporate Social Responsibility Program of Olympiacos BC has been developing in collaboration with corporate sponsors during the past recent years on the above axis’s and aim to sensitivising public opinion and promoting proper and effective solutions.